Sunday, October 3, 2010

self portrait #30: hope and coffee

self portrait #30: hope and coffee

today i feel like a
morning cup of coffee
i am full, sweetened
i am ready to be and
to become.

see the coiling steam
rising from my skin?
sip me, and consider it
new hope.

JANEisnotplain 10.3.10

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

self portrait #29: triumph


this space is cleared.
i am one. resting. in control.

the will dominates all obstacles
i will and i am so it is.

turn my body. forgive that
which infects and scars.


JANEisnotplain 4.24.10

self portrait #29

Monday, February 15, 2010

self portrait #28: perspective

photo also JANEisnotplain

this is what it is like to be alone.
squinting fingers hang on near ledges
uncertainty stares up at me like old times
nothing whispers over fallen shoulders
i feel liberated and possible.

JANEisnotplain 2.15.10

Monday, February 1, 2010

self portrait #41 in progress


awaiting wash....all found materials..thanks UPS? and binary...
yes, lovlies, this one will be for JANEisnotplain for pricing.