Friday, December 26, 2008

self portrait # 20: want ad

self portrait # 20: want ad

i am i and no one else.
i am the sum of atoms and
a sum of seconds. i cannot
transfer completely to someone else.

i string words with care
and pisceanly realize that
things can be communicated in
other more complete ways.

i have depth of beauty in form and ideas.
i am not a highheelstitbitch.
i wear flats among dandelions
and sometimes that is all.

art saves me from science. and
science saves me from art.

i have all the right potentials.
i just need an equal to
close circles in me.

JANEisnotplain 12/26.08

Sunday, October 26, 2008

self portrait #19 : identity

self portrait #19 : identity

to love a woman who is
a woman in every sense but
who acts like a man to
the woman who wants to
love the woman in her in every sense
but, i am not a man and
i know this and she knows this

she may play the part of
the shy deviant boy but
i am every hopelessly helpless boy
that i have ever dated, hat in hands
reciting sonnets under balconies,
selling proposals without diamonds
i know this and she knows this

the truth is that,
at the end of the day i am
too complicated, too imaginative,
too introverted, too frustrated
she is too sweet, too kind,
to bring out the lover
she knows is inside me
i know is inside of her

JANEisnotplain 10.08

Sunday, September 7, 2008

self portrait #18: post r

self portrait #18: post r

vital signs

pulse: irregular; uneven

pressure: heavy ; onerous

respirations: shallow; choking

saturation: depleted; empty

temperature: hot; cold

physical exam

head: unclear; with evidence of trauma

eyes: crying; unfocused

heart: bruised; some parts absent

lungs: black; unclean

abdomen: ulcerated; raw

extremities: amputated; immobile

neurologic: short circuited





copyright JANEisnotplain 9.08

Sunday, June 22, 2008

self portrait # 17: definitions

self portrait # 17: definitions

how do [we]/i define [our] my

[ i .] as a perversion of sub-consciousness

[ii.] as an abstract discovery of continuity implicitly plicate with complexity

[iii.] as a metamorphosis forthcoming

JANEisnotplain 6.21.08

Sunday, June 15, 2008

self portrait #16

self portrait #16

i don’t consider [my] Self
to be [any] Thing or Person
in partic[u]le [ar] other than

yet here i am in my
physical reality relying
on this existence of
all matter in order to
continue to matter
no matter the person
or partic[u]le [ar]
[con] sequence
my matter will never
be destroyed but rather
assimilated into infinite
energy embraced by
matter [less] external consciousness

i am
where time and space are
just monitors of infinity
[no] Thing[s] exists singly
but as particles of
awareness and [Be]ing that
transcends making [Be]lieve

in [my] Self

JANEisnotplain 6.[15].08

Saturday, May 3, 2008

self portrait # 15: submission

self portrait # 15 : submission

dear editor:

please accept this submission
not because [i]t is good but
because i am afraid of not being what they predicted
because i am a sparrow trying to fit in amongst lions
because i am more of a semi-colon than a period
because my poems are blown more like opaque glass than broken pearls
because i am a finger-painting they have created
because last night velazquez spoke to me in the present progressive
and told me to patch the roof with risk and intention
please accept this submission because
god help me, i have tried

JANEisnotplain 5.08